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Pitch, Please: Standing Out in a Crowd

Note: This class takes place live on Zoom on November 17th from 12:00 - 2:00pm Eastern / 5:00 - 7:00pm UK. A recording will be sent out for attendees who can’t make it.

Putting yourself and your personal brand out there - whether you’re applying for your dream job or working on growing your online presence – can be a nerve-wracking process. What are people looking for? How do I get noticed in a giant sea of others? Am I framing my experience and my brilliance correctly?

My new class aims to take the mystery out of getting your dream job and building up a professional presence online. From the simple mistakes that too many people make to the most common ways we sell ourselves short, the objective of this class is to offer practical tips and guidance on how to best position you and your amazingness, using a resume, cover letter or application video – for whatever role you have your heart set on. Consider it the first page in crafting the next chapter of your life!

Things We’ll Cover

  • What most people do wrong in the job application process

  • How to create a LinkedIn profile that stands out

  • A step-by-step template for crafting a personal statement that lets your experience shine

  • Thinking through framing pivots, career breaks and other “gaps on your resume”

  • A live workshop with feedback from Alisha and your peers

Who This Class is For

Anyone on the job hunt or new entrepreneurs setting out to craft their own professional brand! I’m happy to have recent grads and more seasoned professionals – but a special shoutout for this making major career pivots. I love helping people frame their vast experience.



Why Take This Class With Me

I’ve been on both sides of the job hunt. As a hiring manager for roles at big companies like Standard Chartered Bank and Thomson Reuters, and business like my own company, I.G. Advisors, I’ve looked at thousands of resumes in my life having to make quick judgments in highly competitive recruitment processes. I’ve also applied for many, many jobs – including, at nearly 40, a number of unpaid internships in fields where I had zero qualifications (see: My What If Year).

When I pivoted careers, I needed to figure out how to create my own personal and professional brand online. That was a challenge to! I’m a writer who knows the importance of telling a good story about yourself, your skills and your experience. Let me help you take that next step in your career!

Book your spot here or sign up for all three workshops at a discount.

October 6

Pitch, Please: Selling Your Writing to Editors

December 8

Pitch, Please: Make This Your What If Year