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Pitch, Please: Make This Your What If Year

Note: This class takes place live on Zoom on December 8th from 12:00 - 2:00pm Eastern / 5:00 - 7:00pm UK. Due to the personal subject matter, a recording will not be available.

The most common question I got from people across my book tour and events for My What If Year was, hands down: how can I do this for myself? Whether you’re at the very beginning of your journey – trying to figure out what your what if even is – or you’re holding tight to your dream but wondering how to achieve it, I’ve got you covered.

In this soul-searching, challenging, practical workshop, I’ll take you through my process of figuring out your own what ifs and creating a plan to achieve them.

Things We’ll Cover

  • How to explore your own personal what ifs

  • A workplan for setting goals and sticking to them

  • The biggest mistakes I made when chasing after my what ifs

  • A live workshop with feedback from Alisha and your peers

Who This Class is For

You! Seriously. Who among us doesn’t have a passion they are keen to pursue, a new muscle to flex or a skill to try out? I’m still plotting my next what ifs – let’s do it together.



Why Take This Class With Me

I’ve run this workshop for many, many people: writers, readers, retreat-goers and more. I’ve spoken about this topic at places like Mom 2.0 and written about it for the Sunday Paper. It’s the premise of my entire memoir. There are few things I care about more than helping other people – especially women- explore and find their own what ifs. It’s impossible to get me to shut up about it. If this sounds like the exciting jolt you need, let’s do this!

Book your spot here or sign up for all three workshops at a discount.

November 17

Pitch, Please: Standing Out in a Crowd